in depth

Chakra Clearing Group

Each week a new Chakra and the specific clearings

Prepare yourself for some realisations.
This great course is held in a group container

Starts 4th June - 16th July 9.15am
Every Tuesday - weekly for 7 weeks

(recording available for registered)

If you're unable to attend a scheduled date for any appointment, kindly provide a minimum of 2 hour notice.
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Terms & Conditions and Privacy Policy before proceeding to checkout.

Discover how to process and balance your chakras:

Base or Root Chakra – Emotion – Fear
Survival, physical health, grounding, stability, fear, anger, restoring strength, bones & blood.
Physically affects your feet, legs, spine, pelvic floor, sense of smell, bones and blood.

Sacral Chakra - Emotion – Guilt
Relationships, identity, sexuality, creativity, guilt & addictions
Physically affects your sexual organs, skin, urinary system, spleen, bladder, kidneys, hips, lower back, gallbladder.

Solar Plexus – Emotion – Shame
Personal Power, higher self, action, will & self-image
Physically affects your digestion, metabolism, liver, pancreas, muscles, adrenals and eyes.

Heart Chakra – Emotion – Anger
Love, safety, trust, inner child, grief, guilt and attachment
Physically affects your heart, lungs, circulation, ribs, breasts, arms, hands & thymus

Throat Chakra – Emotion – Lies
Communication, Detoxification, Truth
Physically affects your thyroid, tonsils, vocal chords, throat, ears, mouth, teeth, jaw, neck shoulders, lymphatic system, sleep cycles.

Third Eye Chakra – Emotion - Clarity and Awareness
Mental mind, dreams, visions, clarity of direction, spiritual gateway.
Physically affects your Pineal gland, pituitary gland, sleep, eyes, nose sinuses, nervous system, cerebellum, and frontal lobe of brain.

Crown Chakra – Spiritual fulfilment
Spirituality, enlightenment, consciousness, presence
Physically affects your nervous system, cerebrum, and headaches.

  • This class is a minimum of 7 hours. Some weeks may be 1.15 hr. The course goes deep into each chakra with the relevant clearings on Fear, Guilt, Shame, Anger, Truth, Lies, Intuition, Enlightenment. Be prepared for some fun (or a shift).

Quote Source - RD

Fantastic Energy Therapy Healing and life changing.

I’d strongly recommend. I had Reiki and ‘chakra & clearing’ sessions — very therapeutic!

(Many healing modalities - Rhonda’s and your own intuition will guide as to which is best for you: )